Green Coding I

Green Coding - Session I

Software Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) in the wild
Software Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) is gaining attention for its environmental impacts in production, deployment, usage, and disposal. Unlike LCA for physical products, SLCA is still evolving in software. The presentation introduces a practical SLCA approach for code, discussing concepts and tradeoffs for smaller projects. The SLCA process is outlined, analyzing software phases for environmental impacts. Challenges in estimating energy during development are highlighted, proposing a Software Carbon Database for continuous assessment. Deployment’s energy during Docker builds is briefly mentioned. To address usage phase complexities, a middleware solution tracking energy per API call and updating the Software Carbon Database in real-time is proposed. Disposal phase considers energy during software component removal using the Green Metrics Tool. The talk concludes with a contemporary SLCA approach for agile software development. It relies on real-life data, promotes traceability, and can be adopted by development teams for sustainable practices. Recommendations to improve data quality for disposal and delivery phases are discussed.

The workshop investigates the integration of technology and sustainability, focusing on incorporating Green Coding into curricula. It explores challenges, opportunities, and potential implementations. The workshop comprises in-depth discussions about initial efforts introducing Green Coding through a course at HTW Berlin, titled “Design and implementation of a lecture teaching current Green Coding approaches and practices at HTW Berlin,” offering foundational insights. Additionally, a presentation on integrating Green Coding into existing study programs provides practical applications. Participants are encouraged to share experiences and insights into integrating Green Coding into curricula, with qualitative inputs analyzed for a comprehensive understanding. Outcomes will shape academic guidelines for wider dissemination. Join this transformative platform shaping the future of tech education, uniting sustainability and technology through Green Coding. It welcomes researchers, educators, and curriculum developers passionate about sustainable tech education, valuing your contributions to the discourse on Green Coding’s educational impact.

Design and implementation of a lecture for teaching current Green Coding approaches and practices at the HTW Berlin
In the research project “Potentials of Green Coding,” involving the ‘Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.’ (GI), the ‘Umweltcampus Birkenfeld’ (UCB), and the ‘Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft’ (HTW Berlin), three research questions on ‘green coding’ were addressed. These focused on current ‘green coding’ concepts in software development and the Internet industry, as well as the implementation of these concepts in software development processes and existing degree program curricula. Within the third research question, led by HTW Berlin, a pilot module was developed for the Master’s program “Industrial Environmental Informatics.” The module aimed to integrate environmentally conscious and energy-efficient software development principles. Titled “Current Development Trends in Environmental Informatics,” the course imparts foundational concepts and techniques in the field, emphasizing software that is energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Students learn to optimize energy efficiency through algorithms and enhanced server performance. The modular course includes internal and external lectures, culminating in a practical component for hands-on learning. The course is influenced by current research at HTW Berlin and external experts, enhancing students’ knowledge of ‘Green IT’ and ‘green coding.’ Practical measurement exercises, based on the “Blue Angel for Software Products” standard, are conducted to explore ‘green coding’ topics, resulting in LNI short papers. This talk presents and discusses the short papers’ findings, evaluating the course concept and execution.
Volker Wohlgemuth

Unser Workshop beleuchtet hierbei neben dem Stand der Technik zukünftige Implementationsmöglichkeiten und die damit verbundenen Chancen und Hindernisse.


Aktuelle Beispiele: Mit einem Eröffnungs-Talk zu ersten Implementierungsversuchen eines Green Coding Kurses an der HTW-Berlin mit dem Titel „Design and implementation of a lecture of teaching current Green Coding approaches and practices at the HTW-Berlin” sowie der folgenden Vorstellung einer aktuellen Masterarbeit zum Thema “How can Green Coding concepts be implemented into the curricula of existing study programs?” wird Ihnen für die folgende Diskussion beziehungsweise Experteninterviews eine Gundlage und Einstieg gegeben.

Experteninterviews: Die Teilnehmer sind eingeladen, ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen und Reflexionen zur Integration von Green Coding in Curricula zu teilen. Diese qualitativen Erkenntnisse werden methodisch erfasst, analysiert und ausgewertet um vertiefte Einsichten in den Implementierungsprozess zu gewinnen. Die erfassten Ideen und Ergebnisse werden folgend in akademische Leitlinien verarbeitet und veröffentlicht.

Seien Sie Teil dieser wissenschaftlichen Erkundung und gestalten Sie die Zukunft der Technologie mit einem fundierten Ansatz zur Integration von Green Coding in Curricula. Dieser Workshop richtet sich an Forschende, Pädagogen:innen, Curriculum-Entwickler:innen und alle, die sich für die Verknüpfung von Nachhaltigkeit und Technologiebildung in der Lehre interessieren.